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Blue Skies Panama - SEO tuning

Project Overview

Blue Skies Panama is a Charter Flights company in Panama.  They offer trips to everywhere in the country, also Central America, South America and Caribbean.

Their website required a website redesign an new SEO strategy to boost organic traffic and get more conversions.

Website is based in Wordpress and is the main point of selling of the company.

Visit Blue Skies Panama

Website Redesign

Key pages offered a great potential for SEO. Destinations, hotels, activities they are all being searched in Google and Bing all day long and it's our mission to be relevant and appear on those searches.

  • Front Page

    Home page had a whole redesign placing they 3 key products directly at the front to be found: Destinations, Charters and Hotels.

  • Hotels and Lodges

    Here we show 6 hotels randomly ordered so they don't look the same each time a visitor sees the website.

  • Destinations

    We listed all the landing strips we use and also located them on a map so users may not know the exact name but if they can see the map, it will help them to locate their destination.

  • Charters

    As a charter flights company, you need also to show the aircrafts and Blue Skies Panama have their own airplanes, so better show them off!

SEO Strategy

This took the most of the time. It involved a lot of research on direct and indirect competitors.

This research led us on changing the tone of the copy, structure the articles and place keywords strategically.

We are developing original content to promote destinations, flights, etc. and place it strategically so we can generate quality backlinks easier.  Good content = good backlinks.


On our first month we got an increase of traffic of 96% new users and we got client's page in 1st page of google for some specific keywords.

I will keep updating this post in the future.